A magazine will be published during the events organized by the International Writers House in Beirut. This annual and multilingual magazine will contain unpublished texts commissioned from the invited authors. It will be sold at the venue of the event with the presence of a bookstore established with local booksellers that will feature the works for the invited writers. Eight months before the meetings, invited writers will contribute to the magazine by each sending a 4-pager in their original language on the selected theme. In order to reach the entirety of the Lebanese and international readerships, each text will be followed by its translation in English, Arabic, and French.
Such a publication is essential because it gives form to the prose, the style, and even the language of the invited writers, who will thus be heard after having been read, or vice versa. This magazine is the best format in which to introduce new writers and the literature of foreign countries to the Lebanese public. International distribution will be made possible thanks to the partner network of writer’s houses in other countries. Copyright for the publications will be exclusively reserved to the International Writers’ House in Beirut. The content and extracts from the texts will be available online.